One Member One Vote

my labor radio

International UAW Candidate Information

All UAW members in good standing as of October 31, 2022, are eligible to vote in the Election, including members who are part-time workers, reinstated members, and retired members. In order to have your vote counted in the Election, Your mail-in ballot must be received by the final deadline of November 28, 2022.

The ballot is mailed to your “address of record” with your local union. Your locals’ Financial Secretary Treasurer sent the “updated 2022 address file” to the international union in September 2022, for the ballot mailing in October of 2022.

Follow the links to the YouTube channel run by the government Monitor appointed law firm overseeing this historic 2022 One Member One Vote – campaign. These are the International UAW Executive Board position Forums.


President Forum on Sept. 22 at 6pm ET:

Join via YouTube livestream or Zoom (go to and enter Webinar ID: 865 8496 1750 and Passcode: 353172).

Vice President Forum on Sept. 19 at 5pm ET:

Join via YouTube livestream or Zoom (go to and enter Webinar ID: 838 9281 8722 and Passcode: 405778).

Secretary-Treasurer Forum on Sept. 15 (tomorrow) at 6pm ET:

Join via YouTube livestream or Zoom (go to and enter Webinar ID: 828 5237 2929 and Passcode: 900925).

Links to websites and other candidate information to help in your voting decisions in the 2022 UAW International union executive board elections. This information is provided by the International UAW through their website at

The Court Appointed Monitor has a detailed website for this historic election. Linked here:

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